Sunday, January 23, 2011

What’s My Name?- Look #40

“It is a gift to be unique”

This strapless colorful jumpsuit with purple platforms will definitely leave an impression on any one. You won’t have to be singing Rihanna’s “What’s My Name?” because this outfit demands attention.

This is a very versatile outfit- you can wear it at a barbeque, the beach or shopping. If you want to leave an impression on that special person, this outfit is the way to go.

Remember, you can be the IT girl too!

Lots of hugs and even more kisses,
‘The Mardy Sisters’


  1. So where do you get the stuff you wear? i like that you used to put that in at the bottom

  2. We will definitely start to write it again!

    The Jumpsuit is from Forever 21 and the shoes are from Bakers : )
