Monday, September 27, 2010

PETA has Nothing on Us! - Look #32

"The evolution of organisms never stops and so shouldn’t your personal evolution”

Sometimes its nice to go back to our caveman roots with a brown fur vest held together with a tight black belt, black mini skirt, black leggings, red heels accessorized with a red flower as a headpiece.

Combining a prehistoric fashion sense with a modern twist can create a look that’s truly chic. Don’t only limit yourself to the current fashion trends… use the rich history of different cultures to help evolve your outfit and your mind.

Remember, you can be the IT girl too!

What Is Rita Wearing?

1. Fur Coat from Mother's vintage clothes!

2. Skirt from Forever 21

3. Heels from Bakers

Lots of hugs and even more kisses,
'The Mardy Sisters'

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Who Said Gray is Dull? - Look #31

“With creativity and determination, you may be able to take something dull and energize it”

We have energized gray with a gray long sleeved top, pale pink and gray lace mini skirt, beaded gray necklace and nude heels.

No one is innately dull just low in energy. With the right presentation and lively will power, you be able to transform from bleak to brightness.

Remember, you can be the IT girl too!

~What Is Rita Wearing?~

1. Top from Forever 21

2. Skirt from Cotton On

3. Heels from Victoria's Secret website

Lots of hugs and even more kisses,
‘The Mardy Sisters’